Monday, January 4, 2010

2010--The Last Year of the ?? Decade

Lots of folks have remarked on 2009 being the 'last year of the decade.' Of course, since there was no "year zero" in our present system of timekeeping, the first decade was the year 1 through the year 10, so every following decade began with a year ending in 1 and ended with the year ending in a multiple of 10.
So 2010 will be the end of this decade, not the first of the next decade...but what will this decade eventually be called? I've heard "the two-thousands" as a label, but that ignores the other potential 990 years of this millenium! Maybe it will be the "oughts"--like my grandparents used to call the first decade of the 20th century, because they called the number we term "zero" an "ought"...19-ought-1, 19-ought-2, etc.
I was reminded in an online devotional this morning, that whatever this year brings, God is there before us. He is the God who goes before, who prepares the way, who is there to greet us and sustain us, no matter what circumstances arise.

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