Monday, October 20, 2008

If we really want to reach people...

I have no shame in stealing a really good line (and I try to give credit for them.) This one's from Jim Carpenter, pastor at Compass Church in Athens, GA...a church that's really doing things to reach people for Jesus. They have baptized over 100 new believers this year.

Are you ready? Here's the quote:

If we really want to reach people we’ve never reached before, we REALLY have to do things we’ve NEVER done before.

Something to think about, even for a church that's 140 years old, right?


Anonymous said...

well why isn't morganton baptist doing anything of the sort? it's completely stagnant.

keyofdjonz said...

let me guess who this came from.

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure what that means, but go ahead.