(preached in early February, 2009)
Ephesians 4:15 "But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head—Christ"
You might be wondering, Why should we be trying to grow in courage, of all things? Don't we have religious freedom? What's up with this?
Many Christians in the US are aware that Christians in other countries are persecuted and even killed for their faith, but few are aware of the extent of that persecution. But even here in the US, there are often adverse consequences for taking a stand on Christian principles. Just ask Florida Governor Charlie Crist, and Florida Representative Scott Plakon. In Plakon's very first week in office, he battled to save a program that helps poor pregnant women receive the education and support they need to have healthy babies. Abortion supporters often say that they want abortion to be as rare as possible, but in this case, a program was about to be eliminated that would have left many women with no practical alternative except aborting their children. Plakon and Crist received severe criticism, and even threats, from those who opposed them.
The old hymn, God of Grace and God of Glory, ends with the line "Grant us wisdom, grant us courage..." followed by a different phrase in each of the five verses...here they are:
"Grant us wisdom, grant us courage...for the facing of this hour"
"Grant us wisdom, grant us courage...for the living of these days"
"Grant us wisdom, grant us courage...lest we miss Thy kingdom's goal"
"Grant us wisdom, grant us courage...that we fail not man nor Thee."
Truly these days call for courage!
Psalm 27 gives principles for courage through faith in God:
Ps. 27:1-3 When Christ is our light, salvation, and stronghold, we have no need to fear.
In times of trouble, God says, "Seek My face," (27:8) and He will be faithful (27:10). We are to wait for the Lord (27:13-14).
Psalm 31 also has principles of courage:
Courage is sapped by sin (vv. 10-13)
Repentance and trust in God can restore courage (vv. 14-16)
Because it is God's job to 'repay' we can be strong and courageous (vv.22-24).
Hebrews 3 also has words of encouragement and courage:
"...the builder has more honor than the house..." (v. 3). Verse 6 speaks of holding on to courage and confidence, and the rest of the chapter has warnings against a hard heart.
In John's gospel, Jesus gives plain warning of troubles to come in the latter days. (John 16:1-4, 25-30), and in verses 31-33 calls on His followers to be courageous, no matter what!